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How much space does a garden fill?

The garden is designed to fit a 10' x 4' space, so approx. 40 square feet. We have also had success with growing parts of our cutting garden in planters. All planting suggestions and instructions will be included in our Crooked House Flower Co. Garden Companion Guide.

Can a Crooked House garden be mixed with other plants or into existing flower beds?

Yes, our gardens can be mixed into existing flower beds and planters. All planting suggestions and instruction will be included in our Crooked House Flower Co. Garden Companion Guide. 

When can I pick up my garden?

Gardens will be ready for pick up May 13 at the Crooked House Flower Co. Email information will be sent out closer to the day with directions. 

Can I buy just the book?

No, the book is written specifically for the 2021 Crooked House Garden. It has all of the information for the specific varieties of plants that are included in this garden design.

Do I have to plant the garden myself?

Yes, we currently do not have the capacity to include planting the gardens at this time, although it is a service that we are looking to add in the future. 

Can one garden be split between two people if someone didn't want the full garden?

Its not recommended as the garden is designed to keep you cutting your bouquet all summer long. If you decided to split half of the garden with someone else you wouldn't have enough plants to keep producing flowers for your own bouquets.

Do I have to cut the flowers for bouquets?

No! If you are just looking for new flower varieties to add to your garden a Crooked House Garden is still perfect for you! You do not have to use it as a cutting garden, just plant and enjoy!

Why don't you offer smaller gardens?

The gardens are specifically designed this size to ensure enough stems and variety for your bouquets all summer long. 

Does the garden grow back every year?

No, the garden will not grow back every year. The garden is designed for cutting therefore it is made up primarily of hardy annuals that provide long lasting flowers in bouquets. Our Luxe Garden does include some plants that are grown from corms and tubers instead of seed. There will be instructions in the Crooked House Garden Companion Guide to save these in the fall for growing the following spring. 




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